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Les miettes des idées
Les miettes des idées
Les miettes des idées
11 avril 2016


Je me suis pas rendu compte de l'importance de la communauté avant d'arriver dans ce pays étranger. Nombreux sont ceux qui nous ont conseillé de contacter la communauté chinoise une fois bien installée. Or, nous n'avions pas beaucoup de confiance en l'identité...
11 avril 2016

Life is not doomed to be boring

Compared with Shanghai, life in this small city is quite simple, especially in the weekend. In China, we always found that time passed so quickly and every one was in a hurry. In the weekend, we went to supermarket; had lunch with friends or enjoyed an...
11 avril 2016

Cuisine conflicts

Before moving to the US, some of my friends were worried about our eating habits in this country. It's true that we hold a negative view of American food, since Macdonald is wild spread in China. But it was not our concern because I thought that we could...
11 avril 2016

Caution in friendship

Sometimes I feel a little afraid to make friends with my young neighbors. When we moved in, our next door neighbors were going to move out. We talked three minutes. The topic was always why we decided to come here. So we mentioned each time Claire's health...
11 avril 2016


En baladant dans notre résidence, Claire a vu deux oiseaux marchants. "Tiens, l'un est Anne et l'autre, c'est moi." m'a-t-elle dit. "Vous êtes bonnes amies !" Ma remarque lui a fait du plaisir. Elle a souri. Nous avons attendu longtemps le fait qu'elle...
7 avril 2016

La pression du mariage

Ce matin, j'ai vu un vidéo au thème de la pression que les femmes célibataires et "délaissées" ressentissent en Chine. Le film a traité un sujet très banal mais toujours sensible en Chine actuelle, surtout dans les grandes villes, telles Shanghai ou Beijing....
6 avril 2016

First concern in USA

Even before coming to USA, we realized that the public security would be very different from our daily life in China. One can not deny that Shanghai is a very safe city, because wandering in Shanghai in midnight will cause no problem. Certainly there...
5 avril 2016

Comment être une fille ?

Depuis quelques semaines, Claire refuse de s'habiller comme avant, c'est-à-dire, principalement en T-shirt et pantalon, plus chaussure de sport. On croyait que le besoin d'être confortable au sport était le critère principal pour habiller un enfant. Or,...
5 avril 2016

Online school will it be a googd choice ?

I was so surprised to learn that online courses and schools are developed so quickly in the US, not only at the university or college level, but also for the little children, from kindergarten to high school. But still, I have more questions than admiration....
4 avril 2016

Try always a diffrent way

Last weekend, the whole family, with one Chinese colleague of my husband, went to visit Grand Canyon, one of the most famous place that you should not miss in Arizona. Since my husband had visited it 5 years ago, he was proud of being our guide. Nowadays,...
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